The World: Child Development

The infant, the toddler, the child, the adolescent, and the adult.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Vegetable Gardens

So here is the finished project of all my work on a first grade class project. It was fun putting it all together. Sorry the picture isn't the greatest, the camera was not set on the highest resolution, so I might be able to go back and take a better picture but I might not. My project was on vegetables, which expanded to vegetable gardens. The first graders made a garden and did many other activities over a three month period that related to vegetables.

Monday, December 04, 2006

End of the semester

So its almost time for finals, which means there are papers due in most classes this week. I have a final on Wednesday for JS, which is just like the midterm so I am not to worried. I just have to study today and tomorrow. I also have a few papers due this week that I have been working on. It's hard to find articles that go with stereotyping the way I wanted to present it, so I have changed my focus for the paper. It was going to be about stereotypes between African Americans and Latino Americans, but now it is between Latino Americans and White Americans.
I can't wait for this semester to be over with. I need some time to relax. I won't be relaxing the whole time, because I want to get some studying in for the CSET, even though it will be a while before I take it, I just want to get started. It's scary thinking about the future.